Thursday, 18 February 2010

Snow Joke

I started out today with the perfect idea for a post , Adverts on the radio.
They have been driving me mad these past few days.

Its not just  the commercial ones either, The BBC insit on throwing these special effect ridden jingles and announcements into their shows on Five Live every few minutes  all throughout the day. They often interupt a guest or cut off a caller  to say they are out time and then play a 30 second jingle. Madness.

That was going to be my post and it will be, another day.

Then it was going to be famous people I have seen while driving because I saw this.

Was it him , Ill never know but he didnt have any money at the Dartford Toll because I never saw him come past me again.

Then it was going to about the tiny vilages I was driving around in Kent until I saw these...


A farm full of Llama's is always a good blog topic but my day got even better..........
 Crazy roadsigns ...... (kidding) but what a sign it took me to here



I had a delivery at the Chatcham Maratime Docks and was full of interesting things to see. The place I needed was a Craftsmans workshop that specialised in carvings.

 No, what eventually made my blog was me, with over 4 hours left to get back to Leicester from London, going  25 minutes over a 10  hour drive.

The M1 was pretty useless all day  so I avoided it on the way back up.
I travelled back up North via the M11 and was doing great until disaster struck. Snow. It  dropped  instantly  out of the sky and stopped everything dead. The Road was covered in minutes and lorrys and cars were getting stuck as soon as they came to a standstill.

There I was, driving along and the next minute what looked like a sea of brake lights appeared  in front of  me. Crawling along for mile after mile, every little forward movement the lorry made  added  a couple more minutes onto the digi tacho.

This was the last picture of the day , Complete standtill on the A5. 

I thought of another blog topic, Dicks that use fog lights when it snows or gets misty ,  it just makes you think their braking and causes congestion. 

How about that? a blog about what I was going to blog about but didnt!

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