Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Crusher rescue

Crushers are just like buses, you don't see one for an age and then two come along at once.

Filling up I noticed a clever spot of graffiti.

The first crusher was down in Kent and was suffering from a broken set of jaws. Poor thing was sitting in the corner if the quarry, struck impotent by a stray boulder.
It lit up when it's new teeth arrived though.

This picture is to prove a point if my previous posts regarding wolesely , I also spelt it right this time.

After a few more deliverys around London, my last delivery was another crusher on the o2 arena site. There was a team of engineers waiting for me so it was all hands to the pumps.

I took them a new door and brought the shattered one back with me.

I don't know why, but the east end of London seems to be a black hole for my sat nav. This is where it reccomended I go. Straight into the Thames.

I followed my instint and decided to turn round and use the dryer route, past the dome.

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