Thursday, 17 September 2009

Round 3

This was my mode of transport today , a double sleeper !!

After checking for visitors and making sure I was traveling alone I was off down south again.

After passing the homeless I arrived at nerds ville
Head nerd had come in for the delivery on his day off and was in is "own clothes"

It was like an off duty policeman , the jeans the hoodie and the baseball cap !

But what made it funny was the Bow bells accent , he was all cockney geezer and lovely jubbly!.

But him being "OFF Duty " made the whole delivery a lot faster than usual and I was gone before Ten.

I was into the city today with lots of delivery's in SW1.

It wasn't long until I saw and heard the car of the day
It went off , weaving through the traffic and I kept slowly pulling up next to it over and over again.

!st drop in Sw1 was here in "The Mews"
Easy drops today but really difficult to get to through the traffic.

Past Fortman and Masons food store . I was 5 minutes too early to see the clock strike 11.

Two figures come out when it gets to the hour.
Tourists (and lorry drivers) point cameras at it, every hour on the hour!

Past Piccadilly Circus (twice)

Round Trafalgar square (twice)
Past this lady on the fourth plinth (yes Twice)This is what all us truckers will be driving in the future.

Even the JCB's look cool in Central London

These Old mods went past me followed by a film crew in a camera car.Past St James palace and down into this blind ally , where my delivery was.

This was my last London attraction on the way home although I did have another 7 drops while I was down there today, and a collection as well.

I arrived home at last , oooh arhhh its good to back up North !!!

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