I was delivering in the West Midlands on Monday and kept get directed to the M6 toll rd .
It looked very pretty and very quiet and I didn't see many Lorry's on it at all and I told my tom tom to ignore the toll road and to find another route.
I was interested in the reasons behind the toll road and thought there must be a logical reason why it was built.
In my amateur observations the M6 is swamped with trucks , most days the trucks take up every lane they are legally allowed to travel in.
This causes congestion and accidents.
The M6 Toll connects M6 Junction 4 at the NEC to M6 Junction 11A at Wolverhampton with 27 miles (43 km) of six-lane motorway.
The toll road is the Mary Celeste of motorways.
The reason is, the toll rd costs money, and its not like Dartford where you have to use it, the M6 toll road is very expensive @ £9 for trucks.
I see very little benefit to using it because I can get anywhere I want without it.I can drive right next to it and use the same junctions and roundabouts and stare at the white, virgin service and wonder what the point is.
The company that owns it is an Australian company that build toll roads all over the world but the M6 toll has yest to make a profit, in fact if you take its depreciation and its interest payments, it runs at massive losses every year.
I think the road should be opened up to the General public for or maybe let trucks use it for free.
It would slash congestion on the M6 in a stroke and lighten the load on all those a roads that shadow the M6 toll.
There is one flaw in my plan I can see and that is ,it rely's on a commodity in very short supply in most powers that be. Common Sense!
For more Information on the M6 Toll here
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