I was given my own truck for the week. Its a box truck so I have been getting re acquainted with my pallet truck again.
Its a nice truck to drive and I could easily get used to not seeing flapping ,billowing curtains as I drive along but its a drag when you are jumping to and from deliverys in a different order to what the pallets are loaded in.
I have an interesting drop on London Bridge right next to the London Dungeon.

The drop was a tricky underground loading dock and I was supervised by a very efficient German shop worker.
I was told "exactly what was expected of me, her and the company .
I was to reverse into the loading area until she "Shouted"STOP! I was actually expecting to hear HALT !
I reversed , she shouted STOP and I stopped. then she pulled out my tailift and motioned me back a few more inches , she then dropped the tailift onto the dock and I was in position.

I had to take each pallet off separately and then get them into the goods lift with the pallet truck and run up the stairs to press the button , when it arrived at my floor I had to roll the pallet to the shop.
The Pallet had to be a certain way on the pallet truck for it to enter the lift.
My instructions didn't stop there though because I had to drop the pallets to the side of the corridor leaving a wide enough gap for the passage of any person or persons wishing to pass.
Im here again but with one less pallet and at least now I know the rules.
I had loads more drops around London and passed Madame Tussuad'slater in the day.

I was on the way home and wondered whether this would be a better use of my Class 2 licence.

That's quite a truck you have got. You got some pretty good moves maneuvering it too.