Thursday, 7 January 2010

London city in the ice

My first two drops couldn't of been more different.

First one was in the dark next to canary wharf at an aggregates site. Machinery.

This 2nd one, Three pallets of magazines weighing 1500 kilos, here.

The man knew I was trying to deliver them to him and he sped off,  but got stuck in the ice.

It turns out the magazine have been given the wrong address in Madrid and I'm at one of the distributers flats.
It's like delivering all the weeks Big issues to one of the sellers outside Kings Cross station.

I saw a horror poster and a sign of the horrible things to cvome as I turned the corner.

My next drop was at the start of all our problems, you wouldnt know these people were broke looking at their propert's though.

Through the  tunnel and back to the plans, I had been told to bring all the magazines back but that meant that they were in the way af all my next delivery's.

Past the once, white elephant and now, inspired,vissionary, masterpeice of design and making my way to Hackney.

This was just one incident today as London turns into an ice rink.

There are allways weird and wonderful buildings in London but some have strange veiws and opinions.

Then I arrived at the Hackney delivery, It had a cool wall but what a place to get in and out of.

The place was at the end of this corridor.

This was the carpark, in and out without turning round meant having to reverse into the glass road blind.
The roads were like glass and all the drivers were driving around panic striken, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles and staring straight ahead.

I thought the next drop was here but this was just the little sister to here.

I'm on the home straight now, just Enfield to go.

Enfield out the way I am back home now

And no day is complete without a few pictures of the idiots.

I let this red lorry come in from the slip rd and then surprise,surprise, he decides to stay out and inch past me every time i tried to get back in.

As this idiot went by I couldn't help wondering why the van in front was delivering snow up north, don't they have enough up there at the minute ?

I am always on the lookout for interesting pictures but just couldnt find any this week.

This was Toddington services car park this afternoon very, very quiet.

And this was the truck park.

Crap picture but the whole place was full.

All updated and time for a rest, I really do miss my spell checker on blogger though.

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