Monday 11 October 2010

Belgium on my day off !

The TM rings on a wednesay morning and mummbles down my cheap nokia cab phone asking if I have a passport. Yes I answer back thinking back to last week when I had to give the passport number out to gain access to the US airforce base for a collection. Good came back the reply I'll get back to you.

The next call was from the office. " I'm making you up a Europe pack for your trip on Sunday" she said." and just checking you know the initial for Belgium on your digi tacho"
What! ? So i ring the TM back. Yeah, set off at six am straight over to Belgium. Collect two machines for walkers and back before your hours run out. Then bring your Load up to skelmerdale. Home Tuesday. Great. One day at home this week then and that's not nice.

I'm here in the bar, no it just happened to be the only place with a spare sofa honest. No Internet signal and no phone signal so i'm getting all creative and decided to start this weeks blog.

After picking up these machines I was straight back to the ferry and heading for home

All the better quality pictures.

 These are taken at the Drop off point in Skelmersdale.

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