Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Two new loves of my life

After the death of my beloved Tom Tom ,I am faced with a new dilemma, what or who to replace her with.

I have tested the latest truck sat Navs for Truck & Driver lately and I thought I knew what I wanted but Since then I have had my head turned by a young pretender from the Tom Tom Family, but a younger , newer and dare I say it prettier model. The Tom Tom Go 540 HD no less.

I know the letters H and D when placed together like that infer amazing resolution and millions of high quality colours along with super clear sound but the letters H and D in Tom Tom land mean something else completely.

I didn't actually care about HD live on the Tom Tom until today so let me explain.

I was looking for the new Mrs Tom Tom on line and found my way into the GPS forums where I was looking into getting a Tom Tom Truck system sorted for an old Go720.

I found all the information I thought I needed and it eventually directed me to a link for an Argos eBay site that sells end of line stock for Argos.

It recommended a Go 540 HD live Brand new for £125 and I thought it was worth it so I clicked and bought.

I thought I'd then purchase the Truck software separately on an SD card.( I had reviewed for Truck & Driver and resented sending back) thus saving me the £450 price tag of the Tom Tom 7200.

I searched eBay and soon found truck software for sale but I also found lots of units for sale as well.

The standalone SD card is around £150, so when I found a Tom Tom 720, complete with unit and truck software for only £169, I thought Ill buy it, then use the Tom Tom truck in the both units, and after a long and vigorous road testing I'll keep the best one.

Sounds like a perfect plan, except that I have since found out that the Go 540 HD live only has a Micro SD slot and the Tom Tom Truck card wont even go in the slot!.

No problem you say, just keep the 720 and send the 540 HD Live back!,

Well that's another problem because 540HD live is also brilliant.

When I got back from work yesterday, the 540 HD live had arrived and I have spent 12 hours with it, we have taken in the country lanes of surrey and the congested motorways of the M1 and the M23, all handled with blissful ease. We have encountered traffic jams and overturned Lorry's and all have been avoided with the simple click of an indicator stalk.

The saying, forewarned is to be forearmed could of been written for the 540 live because it suddenly started talking to me as I entered the M1 and informed me that traffic ahead had worsened and suggested a faster route to my destination of Hemel Hempstead.

I had just turned the traffic reports up on 5 Live and it was saying a lorry had tipped over on the M1 between junction 6 and 8 and traffic was being stopped for about an hour, with the Go540 I didn't even see a brake light , never mind the tortuous stop start I usually have to endure on the M1.

It also has a Google search that gives you POI's , a weather report and fuel price guides, its all free for the next 3 months as well.

Whats more , I'm going to Manchester tomorrow and , Ive never said this before, I cant wait.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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