Monday, 3 May 2010

The One Ronnie and other pictures from Truckfest

Truckfest was last week and I went along to deliver a "drivers" version of the event, but as most readers of Truck & Drivers "shobba" cartoon will agree , there are many , many forms a driver takes and mine is definitely not the truck curtain hanging,wheel polishing,light fixing and spend all your night out and overtime and days off polishing the boss truck driver!

That said I did enjoy looking at all those other drivers hard work and I was really impressed with all the fleet trucks.

The best fleet I saw was by far the Countrywide fleet.

The work on the trucks was stunning and when you think that some of them were over five or six years old and you couldn't find a spot of dirt, it is really incredible they have ever even been out on a road, let alone pulled anything behind them.

The most bizarre,but beautifully finished for me, was the One Ronnie , (until we found the other one around the back)

This is ICE Road Trucker Alex Debogorski , out of his comfort Zone in windy Peterborough.

These guys are paid by the Government to tell us how to save money, they do this by wasting money, mainly by giving away hats, water bottles , foam lorries and pens to drivers who have absolutely no say in how there company's work or are run.

Its all very admirable but they need to make more of an effort to contact the hauliers themselves and take the paperwork and packs with them like reps maybe.
I spoke to my General manager and showed him the pack they gave me, he had never seen anything like it. He is a member of the RTA and they had never had anything from Freight Best Practice.
If I was in charge Id be hitting the Yellow pages and the Internet.
The trade associations seem to be rather slow on the uptake of this service.

To the last part of this post and Ill leave you with the unfinished Truck & Driver, pimped project.

Will and his team have grand ideas for this project and it will look fantastic when its finished but with everything in Transport. It takes time.

Bit like this blog posting, unfinished !..................

1 comment:

  1. Awesome trucks! I never knew they could have so much design on them. I know this post was posted a while ago, but I just wanted to comment on the awesome and colorful fleet trucks you've posted. Thanks for sharing!


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