After the weekend from hell I was looking forward to a nice easy Monday run up Oldham and then a few drops to Acrington and then Midlewich to a building site on the A530.
The drops were really easy but they did involve a visit to Shaw, the biggest warehouse in Europe that is operated by Shopping Direct for Littlewoods.
Its an old mill and looks like something out of Charles Dickens.
I have never seen such old fashioned loading bays.
When you finally get backed onto them the unloader doesn't pull the pallets off, they unpack every pallet and send the goods down on a conveyor belt.
My box's didn't pass the size criteria which is 300 cm square so it was all rejected.
Great news when the rest of your loads are all tail lift jobs.
The next few places were building sites and I had trouble getting the goods off because of these opened up and loose pallets so it was all going to have to be handball.
I was then due in a Somerfield on the M6 and that's when every thing unravelled.
I had one pallet and it had one box on it.
Razors, no wonder they cost so much .
It took me hours and hours to get unloaded and then get all the paperwork back.
I went to use the toilet here and found that someone had removed it.
This was the other toilet, not very safe.
Another example of second rate services.
But Somerfield seem to think its funny
While I was waiting for Somerfield to release me I was told by the boss that The forklift driver at my next drop was finishing at 4 pm so I would have to park up near the drop and tip in the morning.
That's great.
"Find a layby" he said, Er no I got three pallets of ipods and a pair of bulging curtains saying "Here, Look at me"
I don't fancy being a victim thanks very much.
I drive to Lymm Services and I was really impressed.
It was like a little village , A lorry drivers oasis.
Everything you need is there, safe (ish) parking facilities including 24 hour restaurant, and a bar.
The MacDonald's was just around the corner and even the toilet facilities were passable, apart from a few dubious holes drilled in nearly every cubicle, what's all that about?
I had a decent rest and didn't hear any fridges or trailer changes at all and woke up at 6 to get yesterdays drops off.
When I found the building site I was told they dont even have a forklift, we had to handball all 20 concrete posts off the side and over to the place they wanted them..... "Forklift, ha" they said.
I collected my load for today from this place where the boss has immaculate taste in cars.
When I looked at my notes I noticed it was going to Wales for 6 am !
It went here . lots of pics because it was a two hour wait.
The rest of the day was spent getting back from Wales and putting up with with dick head lorry drivers.
I was passing this slow container truck on the hills and when it came to a slight slope he came
flying past me and then sat next to me to leave me hanging time and time again.
I left him to it and sat on 50 the rest of the way up the M5. Ill leave the petty minded behaviour to the small men in big trucks.
I'm happy with my 12 toner.
I'm comfortable in my skin.
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