I'm writing this instead of getting banned from a shit hole Tesco site, 30 minutes from my home on a Friday night.
I have been messed about and had time stolen from me by this company too many times.
I started in Milton Keynes and had a moron talk to me as if I was an idiot.
I suppose I must be to put up with it really but I had to move the truck I was in, off the bay and open the curtains up because the the truck was to low for the dock leveller to reach properly.
The way he explained it you would of thought I had designed the truck and the leveller and I was lower than shit on a spade to him.
I started in Milton Keynes and had a moron talk to me as if I was an idiot.
I suppose I must be to put up with it really but I had to move the truck I was in, off the bay and open the curtains up because the the truck was to low for the dock leveller to reach properly.
The way he explained it you would of thought I had designed the truck and the leveller and I was lower than shit on a spade to him.
I felt like dragging his smug smarmy fat arse off the bay and ruining his day, but instead I let him ruin mine.
The last time I had been to this RDC in Milton Keynes I had found a pallet of rotting wine dumped at the side of one of the bays I wrote about it here , Well, surprise, surprise, It was still here . Tramps.
The last time I had been to this RDC in Milton Keynes I had found a pallet of rotting wine dumped at the side of one of the bays I wrote about it here , Well, surprise, surprise, It was still here . Tramps.
I was eventually released from Tesco MK and set off on the way to Tesco at Crick, a legend in the RDC world, were time stands still and pagers and yellow paths rule.
I went into goods in and was told in the usual delighted and very pleased with themselves way goods in people talk to us that they were all on a break and no, I don't know anything and no, I cant help you and no, there is nothing I can do.
I was invited to come back at 6.30 and seeing as it was 5,45 I was not best pleased.
They tried to make me wait in a room the size of a toilet, it also stank like one.
At 6.30 I went back , the office I was told to return to was now occupied by a hag!! , she stank and she had the sort of face that soured milk , I came to my conclusion long before she had even spoken to me.
She didn’t look up at me for 3 minutes, ( I counted) and when she did, she didn’t speak, she waited for me to speak.
"Bay 13" I said "I was told to come back at 6.30", "Well they on a break " she said, "I was told you were on a break 45 minutes ago" I said.
"They not here" she said "what can I say?"
" Well what happens now" I said "I heard them unload it, the lorrys empty"
"Well they got to check it" said the Hag, as if I was thick.
"Its one Pallet" I said , "how long can it take?"What gets me is not what they say, but how they say things.
I don’t mind delays and hold ups and problems, that’s life. But rude, ignorant and selfish behaviour, just for the sake of it, I find that intolerable.
I couldn't’t actually talk in her office any more because the smell of the sweat was making me retch whenever I opened my mouth, so I came out for some air.
I had only told her I was on bay 13, I was reporting in and she jumped down my throat and assumed I was stupid.
I am sick of this company’s shit treatment of drivers, without us here, shovelling this shit for them, they wouldn’t have any shit to sell to their customers, me being one of them , although I am cutting my club card up after typing this.
I'm going back in now to try and get my keys and my paperwork back.
I got the paperwork after waiting another hour!
I had seen the checker walk past me and over to the other truck on the bay next to me. I assumed he would be true to his word and call me when he had finished checking my one pallet so I sat and waited as instructed.I eventually went back in and found my paperwork and my keys sat on the ledge.
When I picked up my paperwork, hag said "We called you three times"
They seemed so thrilled with selves, the whole office, I was literally lost for words.
I only took one pallet in, imagine if I had of been full?
I had walked around the yellow lines in the yard so often, I thought was in The Land of Oz.
I am doing the post backwards this week so here is the begginging of the week , before it all went wrong.
I love seeing the Army lorry's on the road , these lads were part of a massive convoy on the A 14 on Wednesday.
I have read over this post since writing it on Friday when I was howling mad and I stand by every word.
I'm in my new permanent truck tomorrow so I hope I have a better day to report.
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